Sunday, May 31, 2015

Day 1: Breakfast: Peanut butter & banana puffed rice cakes

I started the day with a glass of lemon water, before I went to the local grocery store to buy some rice cakes and banans. We are driving to the supermarket later today, so I just got something simple to make for breakfast. Also, it's an easy first vegan meal because it's something I know I like.

So yes, my breakfast consisted of two puffed rice cakes with peanut butter and one slized banana + a glass of water. It tasted really good and filled me up pretty well. Usually I can eat up to 4 slizes of peanut butter toast before I feel full, but this did the trick. 

So far so good!

Oh and by the way, I bought a bunch of almonds that are now chilling in a in a water bath - I'm going to make my own almond milk!

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